Mindful Mondays|Week 2: Balance

*Author Note* If you prefer to listen or watch instead of or along with -
Check out the YouTube video and/or the Podcast audio.

Let’s take a moment to settle in.  Today I want to lean into the word Balance. 

Take a seat on the floor, cushion, or chair.  Elongate the spine as if a string was tugging at the top of your head.  Take an extra moment today to shift your weight in your seat so that an even distribution is on each side.  Feel into the balance between your right and left side of your body.  As you relax down into your breath, let’s see if we can bring some extra balance to our breath today.  Just notice for a minute if you exhale is longer, shorter, or even with your inhale … And now for five breaths, let’s balance those with a count of four to inhale and four to exhale so they are even…

In, 2, 3, 4.  Out, 2, 3, 4.   Draw In, 2, 3, 4.  Breathe Out, 2, 3, 4.   Inhale, 2, 3, 4.  Exhale, 2, 3, 4.   Inhala, 2, 3, 4.  Exhala, 2, 3, 4.   One late time: In, 2, 3, 4.  Out, 2, 3, 4.    Now let’s return to normal breathing, not forcing or counting, just observing your breath. 


This week, see if it’s possible to create a balance within.  Do you always work very hard until you crash in bed at night?  Maybe you can find some room to pause and rest for a while in the middle of a busy day.  Do you find you spend most of your time alone with your own thoughts or watching tv?  Maybe bringing in a small get together with friends this week will create some relationship balance.  Do you tend to get very stressed in traffic on the way to work most mornings?  You can make a reminder in your car to find a moment of zen with some 4-count balanced breaths as you wait out the rush hour. 

How is your breathing right now?  Notice you have been listening to my voice and not concentrating as deeply on your breath.  Let’s shift from listening to observing the breath right at the opening of the nostrils.  Feel the cool air coming in and the warmer air sighing out.  Watch and see if the balance of your breath is still even or has it shifted?  Take a few minutes to examine the breathing pattern without placing any expectations on your rhythm.


Coming back to the room now – take one last deep inhale and then completely exhale all the air out slowly. 

Soak in this time and celebrate yourself for taking this space to sit and just be today.  This is one step in creating more balance in our busy lives of doing, going, doing, going.  You’ve spent few moments of just staying and being.  Congratulate yourself for making time.  When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes, and enjoy the rest of your day.

Sara, CTRC

I am an IFS-Informed Certified Trauma Recovery Coach. My passion is to help others find their Full Circle healing and reconnect to their inner Wellspring of healing inside themselves to live their best possible life!


Mindful Mondays|Week 3: Calm, Cool, Collected


Mindful Mondays| Week 1: And