Mindful Mondays|Week 16: Pause

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Let it be said first that however you are showing up today is perfectly wonderful. Your true self, whether it’s messy, tired, energetic, calm, or rushed, is welcome here today. Find a space somewhere comfortable where you won’t be distracted. You can sit, stand, or lay down — based on your body’s needs today. If you are more energetic, perhaps standing is a good form for meditation today. If you are very calm and feel it best to root down into your favorite chair, that’s wonderful too. Choose a place that makes you feel at ease but alert. Let these next few moments serve as a pause. A pause on all the things you must do. A pause on that nagging sense of perfectionism. A pause on the passions of your heart. Let this be a pause on all that ails you and delights you. Find some neutrality with the world for a couple minutes if you are able.

Close your eyes when you are ready and breath in the atmosphere around you. Allow sounds to fade in the background. Give permission for the ground below you to metaphorically liquify. The aim here is to detach the senses and feel internally into your body. Take three long, slow breaths and root down into your inner being.


Now with the attention draw inward toward your spirit, stay focused on something natural in your body. Pick something you can sense but not quantify. Your breath is a good anchor, and so can be your heartbeat, blood flowing through your veins, tummy rumbles, or tingling nerves. Once you’ve chosen, just stay with that focus for a few minutes to pause yourself in this space — right here, right now.


Congratulations yourself on taking this time to pause by going inward. Reconnect your body and mind back to the outside senses and readjust to the space you are in. Feel your body touching the support surface. Allow your eyes to flutter open and absorb light. Smell the air deeply. Now you are welcome to move peacefully back into the rest of your day.

Sara, CTRC

I am an IFS-Informed Certified Trauma Recovery Coach. My passion is to help others find their Full Circle healing and reconnect to their inner Wellspring of healing inside themselves to live their best possible life!


Mindful Mondays|Week 17: Quietness


Mindful Mondays|Week 15: Oscillation